Mariana at the Moated Grange by Leslie Pearce 23rd April to 28-30th April 1976

Cast: Fiona Gunter, Edna Lankshear (as Mariana), Janet Henderson, Jacqueline Jones.

SM /Technicians: Props Jane Persse

Theme:  A well written piece about alcoholism. Pretty much a one woman play about an alcoholic- Edna was great! The first of three plays presented in Ewan Hall.

Venue: A Gymnasium sized hall called  Ewen Hall (YMCA) Willis Street, Wellington.  Seated up to 400. BATS opening production. Later played in Otaki in association with Otaki Players.

Stories:  The local vicar, who of course, hadn't seen the plays denounced the plays in a parish newsletter  condemning their presentation of alcoholism, deviant behaviour and promotion of nonsense.homosexuals, drunks, and 'nonsense' plays.

A man brought his two young sons to watch what they thought was a show about Batman. They left early.  50 people was achieved on one night, but overall the audience was only around 7-8 people.

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